
We, Come in the name of the Almighty, and we ask that his
presence is made
known, in this place, Holy Spirit make haste, let not one person
unchanged, so who all hear may know, that the glory of the Lord
is shown,
through the power and authority of His word. So Lord let your
Spirit flow
through this place, like the mightiest of rivers, I stand here
willing oh God
would you please speak through me. There is such an authority
found in the name
of Christ, A power given to us that we are not worthy to posses,
So in the name
of Jesus Christ I stand bold in that power and come against
anything that isn't
of God, and in His name anyone who hears this song with an open
heart in
concordance with the mighty will of God is delivered, from
sickness, pain and
depression or anything that Satan will use to bind our minds and
trip us up to
detour our hearts away from, God. So through the spirit we walk
in His might,
because of Faith and not by sight. How powerful is it when you
believe, in a
love you can't quite comprehend, with physical means you cannot
abound, But
through the beautiful name of Christ, an undeniable presence
surrounds. So now
you shall, feel His presence, as His name passes from my lips,
so now you shall
feel an undeniable presence, as His name passes from my lips.
Yod(Y), He(H),
Vav(W,V), He(H) Holy Spirit, Make your presence known Holy
Spirit, mend the
hearts that are broken from the pain that this life bestows,
Holy Spirit, make
us whole, make us whole again.